First off, I have absolutely NO intention of 'befriending' you or any of your goons. Quite frankly, I can hardly fathom the idea of thinking friendly thoughts about somebody as despicable and embarassing as you. There IS however a simple thing called courtesy, that of which I like to show to other authors. If you have a problem with that, I _could_ be like you and your pals and 0 your shit in order to get a "point" across.
Whatever you are trying to accuse me of now ( based on wild assumptions of course), I don't know. Whatever response your music is getting is probably from your own doing. Whoever 0'd your track or tracks was doing so on their own accord.
I haven't gotten around to checking my e-mail yet, but I will tell you that I don't have Mac, therefor I don't have GarageBand.
I'd like to forget about this too. But I believe that if "chain" didnt have anything to hide, he would not be going apeshit about it. If he had nothing to hide, he would have posted an intelectual response to my review, clearly stating and proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he does not use premade loops .
One last thing, you need to learn later on in life not to butt in to other peoples affairs. As of right now, I have much less respect ( or lack thereof )for you than I do for your pal "chain". He hasn't done anything wrong besides respond angrily to a review that challenged his originality, which is understandable. You, however, have absolute no excuse.